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Frequently Asked Questions About Counselling

Frequently asked questions about counselling often revolve around its suitability for individuals. While some may find of great help to talk with a trained professional, for others the experience can prove rather difficult.

Much depends on the individual’s perspective about receiving therapy. Also of importance is finding a counsellor that is right for you. The following are some some common questions to consider when deciding on the most suitable type of support.

Who needs counselling?

Everybody can benefit from counselling. We all have issues and carry burdens to varying degrees. With the right type of counselling these issues can be addressed and in many cases resolved. There is a wide range of issues that counsellors are trained to help with. Although practitioners’ techniques may vary, all are committed to the same goal: helping their clients confront and overcome their problems.

Is counselling for me?

Counselling isn’t for everybody. It is important to remember that counselling is a form of treatment – certain individuals will find it more helpful than others. However, it seems that a majority of those in therapy do receive at least some benefit from discussing their problems with a trained counselling practitioner.

How frequent is counselling?

Sessions usually take place once a week, although some are held more frequently. This will depend on the type of therapy being offered and the individual practitioner.

Is counselling expensive?

Counselling sessions are usually priced between £50 – £100 although discounts are sometimes offered for students and the unemployed.

Is there a stigma attached to counselling?

Counselling can prove very useful in helping people overcome issues that have plagued them all their lives. There are some who view counselling as a sign of weakness. In fact it is the complete opposite. Seeking out counselling help can take a great deal of courage but it means that the individual is ready to confront a problem. It can be extremely empowering as it provides an individual with the opportunity of overcoming their inner demons and leading a happier life. Many people spend their lives ignoring their troubles and never seek support – this, if anything, is a sign of weakness.

Is counselling regulated in the UK?

Counselling is not regulated by UK statute. However, there are a number of respected organisations whose standards many counsellors adhere to. Some of these offer accreditation while others offer membership. The BACP is the biggest organisation, representing thousands of counsellors and psychotherapists in the United Kingdom.