Transactional analysis therapy places importance on the development of rationality and the use of reasoning as a counselling method. The client is seen as an equal partner within a therapeutic relationship with the ability to change and grow.
TA Therapy originated with Eric Berne. He developed his theories in California during the 1950s through group integration and seminars. Known as the San Francisco Social Psychiatry Seminars, the meetings showcased Berne’s Transactional approach while revealing his departure from orthodox psychoanalysis, which he felt prevented therapists from effectively treating their clients.
TA is a Humanistic approach that is based on ‘ego states’ and ‘transactions’. Individuals are seen to exhibit personality traits and behaviour through ego states known as the Parent, Adult and Child.
These states are determined by parental and cultural influences and are key in determining an individual’s personality type. Transactions refer to the flow of communication between people and can indicate to a trained practitioner the ego state that a client is ‘transacting’ from.
How can Transactional Analysis Therapy Help?
The TA approach is an empowering form of therapy that recognises the value and potential of each individual. It is flexible and can be used in a range of settings including both individual and group therapy. TA is effective at addressing issues such as anger, relationship problems and bereavement.
Useful Resources for Transactional Analysis Therapy
The International TA Association
International Association of Relational Transactional Analysis